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Essay List
Comments List
  • Prompt:Antibacterial Products Worsen the Problem of Resistant Bacteria

    Very informative and interesting. However, I do have a few questions left unanswered. Is this the only reason anti-bacterial soaps are bad? The author repeated the same arguement in two different paragraphs, but they were worded differently. Is there any good that comes out of using an anti-bacterial soap? What are the pros and cons of a moisturizing soap? Did the author convince him or herself to use anti-bacterial soap after writing this paper? This essay isn't persuasive enough for me to go out and throw away all of my soap.
    • 17/05/2004
    • 15:35:43
    • Score: 1 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • An Essay on Living in Florence, Oregon

    The essay was a bit boring and irrelavent. The paper is all about personal experiences. It would be hard for another person to gain any insight to write a paper from this essay. It is well written and structured though. Overall it wasn't bad, just boring.
    • 17/05/2004
    • 15:22:54
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.