User Details For: Superslash9987

Essay List
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  • Quotes...

    Some of your quotes from the novel are not correct. Take a look at your quote taken from Sydney Carton's monologue... "I care for men on earth, and men on earth care for me." Should be "I care for NO man on earth, and NO man on earth cares for me." Since he had such a dirt low view of himself, your quote just woudn't make sense.
    • 28/10/2004
    • 15:55:31
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • True

    It is all very true, but think about William Shakespeare, I mean he had to entertain his 'groundlings' and they wanted death and rivalry. If friar laurence was to marry Romeo and Juliet to resolve conflict with the parents, their ending would have been fine but nobody wouls watch Shakespeare's plays. Or groundlings, during the show will make a scene. Remember, the true intentions of Shakespeare's plays were for self profit, and he only wrote R & J to make money.
    • 12/06/2004
    • 16:56:17
    • Score: 17 out of 17 people found this comment useful.
  • Eh

    i hate world cultures... finished this at 2 am and didn't bother to revise
    • 12/06/2004
    • 10:03:54
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Your essay

    nice essay that covered everything in the book. expect to be plagerized from every student that needs an essay on Animal Farm!
    • 09/06/2004
    • 19:16:29
    • Score: 8 out of 9 people found this comment useful.
  • Haha

    I don't have any beef with Bush... and I'll add a bib page.
    • 06/06/2004
    • 19:04:15
    • Score: 3 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Your Essay

    You need to support your essay with facts and not opinions...
    • 23/05/2004
    • 11:59:40
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Your Essay

    Nicely written and nice to see you gave a lot of thought in it. You used the Death of a mockingbird as a symbol of 'Sin,' and I thought that was very unique.
    • 19/05/2004
    • 20:16:41
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Nice

    Good job with your essay. You backed up your opinions with truth and facts. Although your essay could've gone into more detail, I still felt your essay is underrated. Good work.
    • 19/05/2004
    • 15:01:41
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Your Essay

    It's pretty good for a fifth grade level essay. However, try to make your thoughts more complete and put 5 sentences in a paragraph at least.
    • 19/05/2004
    • 14:53:00
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Your Essay

    It was really nicely written! I questioned your 'almost fragmented sentences' but I am surprised they actually spiced up your essay. In some places, your essay flared hostility toward dogs and neglected to mention how cats are sometimes a menace. A Biology report should be unbiased and state both sides of an opinion or fact. Finally, I fail to see how this related to Biology and you should consider placing this under 'creative writing.'
    • 18/05/2004
    • 19:17:39
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Very interesting

    I expecially liked your statements on our country's unalienable rights and the reference to our rights to bear arms.
    • 17/05/2004
    • 19:19:19
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Promoting uniformity or destroying diversity?

    Although I agree with your perspective that uniforms bring out 'school spirit' and help recognize strangers who don't belong, I disagree that uniforms will actually diminish the bullying problems in schools. It is a natural 'instinct' for a person to belittle the enemy just to feel superior over him/her. Setting a uniformed dress code will just bring up new problems, kids may bully others because of their shoes or whatever. In an average American school, kids usually worry about how much they show than the designer clothes they wear. (A bigger problem is racial discrimination, and wardrobe has nothing to do with your color skin). It is true that we go to school for an education and not for a chance to show off, but then that is saying something like, "Why shouldn't everybody drive a Civic instead of Mercedes? We are all going the same place." The answer is to be different. In extreme cases when an 'unlucky' child (I use the term loosely) cannot afford expensive clothing, they adapt and create a new style of their own. To use a sterotype, Punks wear raggedy jeans, ripped shirts and show them off just as much as a Prep will show off his/her Abercrombie jeans. (Note: I am not saying all Punks wear raggedy clothing and I am not implying they are all poor either). To sum it all up, it would be boring for everybody to wear the same clothes everyday. Promoting diversity is a way to express ourselves, and some people wear nicer attire to stand out. Kids should have the freedom to wear what they want, as long as they don't suffer from 'wardrobe malfunction.' In your essay, please bring out more examples and how can wearing uniforms promote a better learning enviorment. Also add how uniforms 'instill students with discipline,' and you did not give a reason how wearing uniforms will help a student in his academics. <= Paragraph 4
    • 17/05/2004
    • 18:53:21
    • Score: 5 out of 7 people found this comment useful.