User Details For: storme456

Essay List
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  • Good essay...

    I liked how you gave a reason and to why people say punk is dead and has been. I've also written a "punk" paper, but it had to do with punk entering the mainstream society fashionwise and I wanted to touch more on the reasons as to why some people argue punk is dead, but that's a whole other subject, being that nowadays punk is almost another way to conform. overall, good!
    • 23/06/2004
    • 22:06:18
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Overall, the essay was well done

    in that it was short and gave a decent summation of punk. There seemed to be a particular emphasis on boredom, which I agree with, however, you could have expanded on where the boredom came from and what caused it, whether it be with nonconformity, the government, etc. The "boredom" paragraph just sounded a bit repititious.
    • 26/05/2004
    • 18:57:22
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.