User Details For: aztec_rose

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  • Ok...

    Some good exmaples, but try not to retell the story. Instead explain how themes etc are shown (techniques..) instead of just saying eg. ____ was a theme because ___ love life was...It\'s hard to explain, but I hope you get my point. NEVER RETELL THE STORY! YOU WILL ALWAYS LOSE MARKS IF YOU DO!
    • 13/07/2004
    • 07:11:26
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Go the pro-anas!!!

    OMG thank ana that someone is able to say something reasonable. Thin is in! I totally agree with your point of view, maybe others will wake up to themselves...
    • 13/07/2004
    • 06:52:32
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.