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  • Yuor essay lacks background.

    Even though you presented your essay very logically you failed to provide any background information of Pascal. I think that it is important to mention that Blaise Pascal, the mathematitian and scientist used his reason to create an essentially evangelist apologettic argument. It would also be interesting to note that the probability of his bet will vary from person to person. An atheist will definitely bet against a supernatural entity which has not and will not reveal according to hi and bet on God's non existence. A theist like Pascal who believes in damnation will feel it safer to bet on him. An antagonist like me will consider the wager as unsatisfactory as the proofs of the existene of God. It is a bet in which no one would win or loose because to win god needs to reveal himself in this world or after a man dies. Either way the result won't be declared. And those who believe that God does not exist will have to wait a lifetime and even after death to prove their opponents wrong. In both the cases there is no result and as such the bet is itself futile and we are back at square one. We don't know who god is, if he is and we are not certain whether one could believe in him or not.
    • 30/10/2005
    • 04:50:59
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.