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  • Grammar/incorrect word usage

    Sentence 1, paragraph 1:The English language is a subject that has arisen as a controversial over the last few decades-awkward sentence, suggest: has been surrounded by controversy? - either way controversial is incorrect.Similar erros can be found within the rest of the essay. Review grammar and word usage.Other than that, good opinion essay.Paragraph 1, sentence 3: Only one thing can be for sure though; it is defiantly something that is worth taking a deeper look at to get some true facts and opinions.Defiantly: should be definitelyParagraph 2, sentences 2 & 3: Although English is still our main language in the United States. Many feel it has been downgraded in its importance due to the amount of slang and other common slanders its users today have stemmed from it.-Fragment: combine the two, replace the period after United States with a comma
    • 25/04/2006
    • 08:09:33
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Domestic Violence (The Women of Juarez, True Tales From Another Mexico by Sam Quinones)

    Well thought out essay! The grammar is a little rough.In more formal papers (though I'm not sure what type of class/assignment this was written for) it is better to remove contractions.I agree with all your ideas. Women are forced to deal with sexual tension and inequailities even today.One more suggestion: In the conclusion there are a lot of questions. Perhaps turning them into statements would solidify your ideas and make a stronger point.
    • 27/01/2005
    • 02:40:36
    • Score: 1 out of 2 people found this comment useful.