User Details For: Azariel

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  • Antarctica ...hmmm....- Polar Bears???

    Just for your information - there are no populations of polar bears in Antarctica. Only in the Arctic. Learn geography ladies and gentlemen. I've noticed recently many people have no ideas about our globe. ^_^
    • 07/12/2005
    • 15:56:13
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • SS :)

    This is what i call - Short & Sweet
    • 05/04/2005
    • 19:28:14
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Araby

    Good summary, needs an emphasis on autobiographical character of the story. Around 1905, when the short story "Araby" was written, poverty and religious conflicts were a common occurance around the city of Dublin. The hardships in life are not as much a reality to the youth as they are to the adults normally. There is usually a wake up call in life, or a point where a person starts dealing with reality instead of childhood fantasies. The boy in the story is awakened to the hardships of life as well as James Joyce. James Joyce is only three years out of college, and has just begun his own personal life of financial instability and loss of hope.
    • 05/04/2005
    • 19:16:46
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • An Examplanatory Essay

    Very well written paper. You do not fall into generalities and describe the subject to the point with good support.You should have included bibliography, but that doesn't prevent it from getting the best score.
    • 20/02/2005
    • 20:28:16
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.