User Details For: jimmyb0123

Essay List
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  • Good essay

    this is a good essay, but i feel you could include the ideology of volksgemeinschaft as it was a pivital factor in the nazi regime, as it basically was the outline to how the nazi's saw the perfect social germany. It leads on to the theory of one aryan race, and a classless system. I would say read up!
    • 27/02/2005
    • 08:33:57
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Too narative

    this is a very detailed essay, which explains the situation in the weimar republic, but i feel you have not analysed your points enough, it seems to be too much of a narrative. To achieve the top grade you need to analyse each point you make, although it does seem tedious and repetitive.
    • 27/02/2005
    • 08:30:24
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.