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  • Great Analysis

    We should all thank the producers of this really well written show. Shows that teach morals and family values are becoming very rare and is showing up in our society.As the writer of the anaylsis notes, watchers of the show can relate with many of the subjects that are brought up on 7th Heaven. We can only hope that viewers of the show are actually retaining some of the messages that the show puts out.
    • 23/02/2005
    • 15:51:14
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Essay is well written

    The writer takes a popular subject and sets out explaining the trend. What really makes the essay well written is that the auther went out and got some real time comments from people about why they like Reality TV. These comments help the writer make his point and explain why Reality TV is so popular these days.I agree with the above poster, it would be interesting to keep this up to date and see how peoples opinions, tastes and reactions change over time.
    • 23/02/2005
    • 15:23:17
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • This essay is

    This essay about the catcher in the rye has a very cole notish type feel to it,The plot outline is great, good detail but not enough to hamper the reader down, and the character details is a nice touch.I rated this a Happy face because it is helpful.
    • 18/02/2005
    • 13:42:56
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.