User Details For: akhaleel

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  • Terrorism

    I quite agree with the writer that the Islam, specifically Jihad is being misinterpreted in the west being equal to Terrorism.Can anyone fighting for their rights become terrorist? When the people are oppressed on their own land and fight against oppressors, can they still be called terrorist? When a man's land is occupied, killing tens of thousands of people, can this poor man be called a terrorist if he takes arms against these killers?Terrorism has no definite meaning. and it seems some of the countries do not want to define it. The stronger and influencial countries use it as a mean to fight there opponents which are technologically inferior and less armed.Therefore terrorism is just a tool of those big and influencial countries to promote their own agenders.
    • 23/03/2005
    • 00:08:03
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • National Religion

    If it is believed that the separation of Church and State concept is basic to our Country's founding, there is no point of having a National Religion. If a particular religion is made the National Religion, the concept mentioned earlier is contradicted by itself.
    • 22/03/2005
    • 23:51:10
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.