User Details For: Rankojin

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  • The Catcher in the Rye

    For such a young (I assume by the age of 11), I think it was a pretty well done piece. I personally thought the describing of the other boys was hilarious. Weather on purpose or not, it gave me a very Holden Caulfield vibe. I'm not sure what this could be used for, but using the descriptions as an idea of your own sounds good to me.
    • 02/09/2002
    • 20:29:16
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Mistakes

    There were many mistakes in the first paragraph alone. Holden wasn't 18, he was 16. Allie wasn't his two year old brother, he was two years younger than Holden. D.B didn't exactly struggle at all, he had a few books out and was quiet wealthy, considering the fact that he had a jaguar.I don't really recommend this to anyone.
    • 02/09/2002
    • 19:52:11
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.