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  • Israel is NOT apartheid!

    Israel is a PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY and a British colony like Canada, it was founded after the British Mandate withdrew in 1948 and granted Israel independence. The muslims decided that Israel did not deserve to exist, so they had a fullout war. Israel was outnumbered in soldiers and arms about 10:1, plus Israel was attacked from all sides. Israel pulled out of the war surviving, not only that, but they made territorial gains. With all the wars the muslims start with Israel, there is always a large amount of lost land for the muslims. In the six day war, Egypt had started a backed offensive against Israel, but at the end of the war, Israel had more than doubled the size of the country after taking over the sinai peninsula. Nowadays, Israel has bullet proof glass to protect parliamentary sessions from the spectator gallery, because one time, a muslim extremist threw a grenade into the centre of the proceedings and severely injured a few members of parliament, including the prime minister. Is there ever and answer?Here are some random facts.Did you know that Israelis invented the cell phone, produced windows XP and has one of the worlds best militaries.
    • 02/11/2005
    • 16:39:07
    • Score: 3 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Smashing Opinions

    Great job on the essay, it is not one-sided in either direction. It also does a very good job in highliting the things that matter to the world.
    • 16/05/2005
    • 19:09:58
    • Score: 6 out of 8 people found this comment useful.
  • Bullying

    This Approach of dealing with bullying is very effective. I know this, because my school is taking the same approach. Most of the time, you will see some disgruntled children become the bully of the ones who bullied him/her. The less bullying there is at the start, will lead to a lot less in the end. Very good essay and topic.
    • 15/05/2005
    • 17:27:21
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Amazing Essay

    This essay is very good, but there is only one concern about this essay. If this is an opinionated essay, then it is perfect. If this is an informative essay, then there is a bit of one-sidedness to it. Otherwise, amazing job on the content and organization.
    • 14/05/2005
    • 22:01:03
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.