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  • Non-research essay.

    Sorry, but this essay was a non-research essay submitted for an essay writing skills course (English 1501). This is why most of the content is general and broad.
    • 21/11/2005
    • 01:17:33
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • I'm left feeling offended...

    Several major issues with this one; mainly its dogmatic first person narrative, no attempt at forumlating a thesis, and poor word choice:"If someone is offended by someone or something they have to ask themselves do I really have the right to be offended?"The rule of thumb is, don't haul out the thesaurus, use the vocabulary you have, and expand upon it over time.This is the exception to that rule. Please, by all means, use a thesaurus. Repetition within the same paragraph is difficult enough on a reader, but within the same sentence, it is just plain incoherent.My apologies.
    • 20/11/2005
    • 15:19:32
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.