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  • TNCs are powerful due to consumers and consumer choice

    I would have thought this essay deserved more than 50%! I think you addressed the issue about TNCs benefitting other countries quite well. I would only suggest discussing why TNCs do hold so much power. Keeping in mind that it is the consumers that determine a company's success and economic viability, not the company itself, or political influence.National companies become TNCs in order to lower costs and/or access new markets, as consumers demand cheaper goods or demand the goods and services offered by that business. TNCs only hold the power they do because of consumers.
    • 27/06/2006
    • 00:21:11
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Bias arguement

    Very one sided arguement; fails to recognise the positive aspects of globalisation. Or the reasons why developing countries' wealth has not grown at the same rate as developed countries... Maybe it's to do with the fact that developing countries population has been growing 6x as fast???
    • 27/06/2006
    • 00:02:41
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.