User Details For: TheEnglishClaw

Essay List
Comments List
  • Needs More Improvement

    The essay is written about a good topic; nevertheless, it lacks in certain aspects perhaps having more points as to why seat belts are bad, and organizing your paragraph structure better would help. Furthermore there are several grammatical errors within the essay, more time should be spent editing it prior to posting.
    • 07/05/2008
    • 17:48:40
    • Score: 1 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Very Informative

    The piece of writing is well written and provides a lot of information for the reader; nevertheless, you may like to look into the third sentence, "The reason being for the short tailed albatross' becoming endangered was due to its high profit to feather hunters", it seems a bit awkward.
    • 29/03/2007
    • 15:40:08
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.