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  • Check the spelling//Biology and sociology

    There are at least a couple of spelling mistakes. Two near the beginning are "senten,ce" and "curreently".I presume the wierd format is due to the pending status of this essay and not to the author's choice.It would be good to know where doctormaq found the information presented; i.e., a bibliography would be nice. BTW this is not only a biology essay but also a sociology essay (first part presents biological historical information and the second part speaks of prevention and treatment and includes mention of social prejudices).
    • 18/11/2002
    • 19:59:12
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • People in Wheelchairs

    One thing to add: When you meet someone in a wheelchair who is being pushed by another person, speak directly to the person in the wheelchair if you have a question or comment for her/him. Speaking through the helping person implies that the person in the wheelchair is unable to think or respond independently.
    • 14/11/2002
    • 15:51:26
    • Score: 2 out of 6 people found this comment useful.