User Details For: marccoos

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  • This essay has a trap sentence, it is sabatoged

    The author of this essay decided to take advantage of this website and all of the people who frequent it. Hidden in the depths of this essay is and I quote "My Dear Teacher, I am too lazy to study for your class and decided that I would download a paper off of the Internet and turn it in. Please fail me " This author is only interested in one thing, getting points and screwing over others.He wants to use this website but make sure that it is sabotaged for all others.I think that it would be wise of the administrators to review this essay, delete that phrase and deny the author access to this website.So be forewarned this essay while it may contain some useful info, do not just use it in its entirety. I recommend cutting and pasting.
    • 05/12/2002
    • 19:53:44
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.