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  • no bibliography

    no bibliography, useless !!!
    • 06/04/2010
    • 20:47:13
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Great Essay

    I must say that I have to agree with you. Stress and peer pressure are a big influence on the way you feel about you body. Students often respond to stressful school and home situations by eating too much or too little food, a pattern that can, in time, turn into a clinical eating disorder. But other factors can also dispose children and teens to eating-related problems. One contributing factorsis a teen culture that reveres supermodel thinness and influences gurls to strive for impossibly low body mass and weight. Young American women have been obsessed with beauty and perfection for years, but more recently it seems to have become the root of all physical evil. Young women have become fixated with perfection to the point of going as far as to starve themselves to death. Hollywood celebrities only make-up a small fraction of the American population, so why is it that young American females believe that looking like the perfect "sexy female" persona is the way one is supposed to look like?
    • 01/08/2008
    • 10:54:34
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.