User Details For: Kennygee

Essay List
Comments List
  • Human Rights

    The theme of the essay can be very thought-provoking, and one that most people would wish to identify with. However, the essay is fraught with bad grammar, incorrect sentences and poor use of tenses. It would require someone with a very sound grasp of English language to be able to edit and restructure it for a meaningful use.
    • 07/08/2003
    • 17:45:36
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Religion and Faith

    The essay is a well thought-through essay. However, I have a problem with the statement that 'anti-semitism is and was a serious sin but rests on the sinner and cannot be passed on to others. A sin committed by an individual can be used to judge another. The Bible teaches that in certain circumstances God will use the sins of an individual to judge that individual's children, the children's children, etc. The Bible does not specify that for anti-semitism sins, the sinner and only the sinner would bear the brunt.
    • 07/08/2003
    • 17:32:44
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Economic Functions of an economic system

    This essay is good
    • 06/08/2003
    • 04:42:07
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.