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  • Diagnosis

    The main idea of this essay is a little vague only because the information provided is scattered throughout the essay.Djdatnasty needs actually to sit down and follow what s/he describes in her/his essay.S/he needs to organize her/his thoughts first, before putting them in writing.More importantly s/he when talking about each specific step needs to finish what s/he has to say about it before moving onto the next.(somewhere s/he talks about what the intro should include and a couple of paragraphs down after describing sth else ,s/he brings up intro again),otherwise you have the reader lost.I am pretty sure that if you follow what you write about ,you will start writing more comfortably.
    • 13/03/2003
    • 16:53:33
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.