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  • Objectivity- Not what I think, but how things are.

    The reason God does not intervene is because he gave men free-will, but that does not change the fact that we necessarily should exercise that gift on whatever we choose. Also, you fail to distinguish between the objectiv eand subjective in your argument. There are things that are bad no matter what and should be prohibited in any "civilised" nation such as cold-blooded murder, stealing etc. Those would be termed as "objective evils," something that is wrong to all men. Subjectivity pertains to a man's personal pleasures. A man that believed that murder was right and tried to defend his actions on the basis that it was his personal belief would be thought ridiculous. Therefore, if pornography is objectively wrong, ex. there is no artistic value, no good that comes from it except for adding depravity to society, than yes, there should be a law against anything that is so devoid of any value except that which goes into the pockets of those that capitalize on it.
    • 20/03/2003
    • 15:52:48
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Comment on a comment

    Pro-choice regarding abortion is a nice word that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy disregarding that everyone in the world is actually pro-choice. I make decsions everyday and exorcise my right to choose what to eat, what to wear etc. However, pro-abortion is a word that describes people that support abortion more aptly. Pro-life people make choices everyday too. It's that whole free-will thing that the human race has. If a mother decides to have a child, that doesn't mean she didn't have a choice in the matter, she did. Titles should describe what they represent, not give false representation or confuse. Anyways, my two-cents on the use of pro-abortion vs. pro-choice.
    • 20/03/2003
    • 15:31:50
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.
  • Individuality

    Through your essay, I got the distinct idea that Buddhism is a individualistic religion in which one reads, as you stated, a biography of Buddha and attempts to emulate him and reach Nirvana. However, Christianity, in essence, is a religion constituting of peaple working together to reach Heaven with individual aspects to their religious life, for example, prayer, contemplation, etc. But mostly, Christians work together. If I am right about what you said about Buddhists, than I think that that is another important distinction that should be made.
    • 19/03/2003
    • 21:23:52
    • Score: 10 out of 10 people found this comment useful.