User Details For: ShelleyBean84

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  • Interesting...

    This article was somewhat insightful but also had some incorrect information. Such as that Mormons (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or LDS) don't drink soft drinks. It is not church policy that it is bad to drink sodas. Some do, however, personally choose to abstain from caffinated beverages in general. Also it mentioned in the essay that Mormons do not believe in "protection". This is very untrue. Mormons do not believe birth control is a bad thing. If this were true LDS families would be even bigger. This paper also made Mormons sound like a totally different community when really it is just another Christian religion.
    • 01/04/2003
    • 03:40:52
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.