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  • Well done!

    great job, I too believe that it is imperitive to push the obvious issues of polution control into the general public's eyes. More people need to become aware of what is going on around the world rather than just in thier own back yard. Well written, great topic- A+!!
    • 11/04/2003
    • 11:30:54
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Good definition

    its a good definition, but what about all the things you left out silly? What about love, marriage, babies, the feeling you get when you do something for someone else, or how about when someone does something for you? A birthday card in the mail, or a friendly hello from a strager on the street. There are sooo many things that make us happy- it is difficult to be able to really "define happieness" - remember, happieness is only achieved through our own actions, treat peole as though you would want to be treated, and love yourself!! Happieness is sure to follow.
    • 08/04/2003
    • 14:16:46
    • Score: 23 out of 23 people found this comment useful.
  • Good

    good, informative essay. It certainly could be expanded on, but you definetley hit upon some key elements that played a part in the start of the revoloution.
    • 07/04/2003
    • 20:34:30
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Euthanasia

    a well written liitle opinion. There are many arguable points to a topic as controversial as this one, so it is important to remain as non-biast as possible. Maybe it would be good to include a liitel more of your own opinion on the topic to gain some more perspective.
    • 04/04/2003
    • 13:26:02
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Cultural studies

    thought your essay was very descriptive, and educational. Your content is well organized, and you use trasitional writing tecniques well!
    • 03/04/2003
    • 23:08:28
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.