User Details For: Joekilty

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  • Mariner

    Some fair points but Colerige actually said that he inteneded the work to be one of 'pure imagination' - forcing the reader to look for symbols in the poem - What does the albatross stand for? What about the water snakes? It was not meant to be a believable tale, rather more like a parable to invoke guilt in the reader.
    • 07/05/2003
    • 04:48:55
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Wild nights

    This reading offers a new perspective on the poem. My initial notion that the 'heart in port' was one which was trying to escape may have been wrong. The fact that she 'rows in Eden' shows that she feels safe and happy as long as she is with her lover.
    • 07/05/2003
    • 04:38:03
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.