User Details For: bunnyshine27

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  • Smoke is smelly...

    This essay was useful to me because my mom is a smoker and I used to nag her death about how bad it smelled. I, of course, still hate the fact that she smokes but I'm less vocal about it. What she says in here about shortness of breath is DEFINATELY true. I'm thin, I eat right, drink right, don't do any drugs...but I can't run for very long...and I'm a pretty hyper person. I have a lot of energy. But I just CAN'T run. I always feel like I'm gonna pass out cause I can't get enough air in. Final thoughts: Smoking stinks, causes health problems, and costs a lot of money...Who benefits from that?
    • 01/05/2003
    • 20:45:09
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.