User Details For: msmith4

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  • The positive and negative experiences of African slaves in America

    Quite possibly the biggest pile of crap ever written. Positive slavery now there is an idea, I hope you don't believe this. Stolen from their families and homeland only to cross an ocean to a new land, no reading or writing skills, no way of communication. Treated like crap, worked to death,and no freedom. Religion was forced on them by the masters, they did not choose this. Please read some more books on this topic and gain knowledge on the truth of slavery. Maybe you could go to Asia and get a job in a factory, working for 15 hours a day for little pay. You could then write a paper on slavery with honesty in your heart.
    • 11/11/2004
    • 17:58:23
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.