User Details For: diavoliada

Essay List
Comments List
  • Very simple

    To tell the truth, I did not like this essay, espacially the fact that the intro was word to word the same as the conclusion...But it is not your fault that the essay is not well written; you probably have not a good English teacher...well -- sorry-- it is not I who has the right to judge...I just wish you good luck in your future essays because this is a key to your success in universities, believe me...
    • 28/07/2003
    • 06:58:22
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Very well developed

    I am fond of this novel, and I can read it again and again. I liked the way you wrote about it. Very interesting and true. I also liked that you refered to other critics as well, not saying that this is your opinion.GooD JoB!
    • 03/07/2003
    • 09:08:59
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Abortion...

    this issue was is and will be always disputable...who is for what -- pro-choice or pro-life. Whoever say anything for their position will not be able to convince those of the opposite. It is always depends on sircumstances a pregnant woman in. I personally feel kind of disguised when I hear this word "abortion." It's maybe because such a dilemma has never occured before me, for I am only 21, but I can't see how a person can pull out piece after piece of a fetus and put it into a trash can. %/ it's hard.This essay, as some mentioned before, is interesting, not biased, and well done! Great work Master!
    • 16/06/2003
    • 22:00:48
    • Score: 19 out of 26 people found this comment useful.
  • *_*

    I know, that\'s also true that we need captive breading programs. But this essay is more of a persuasion. I had to go in one direction, not both, so I chose the side that not many people would choose. I did it because I wanted to know how persuasive I am in essays. And I also think that most professors like to read something they don\'t agree with so that to know whether your paper is really convincing or not.thank you for your comments ;)
    • 14/06/2003
    • 09:52:06
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.
  • Good research

    Very well done. I agree with you that it was unnecessary to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war. Moreover, thousands of people died for nothing.I even think that it was done just to show to Soviet Union that the US have atomic bomb, the most powerful weapon of those times.Great work and very well writtenkeep that way ;]
    • 12/06/2003
    • 00:44:14
    • Score: 8 out of 8 people found this comment useful.
  • Nicely written

    as always an agreeable essay ;)Just want to add something -- people always want an "absolute freedom"; however, it can't be so. An absolute freedom you can have when you are dead. Everyone has responsibility not to harm others by his/her freedom of actions or speeches.So, even though we are protected by the First Amendment, we should take a good part of it.Thank you & G'Luck
    • 09/06/2003
    • 22:44:33
    • Score: 8 out of 8 people found this comment useful.
  • Well written

    I wish I could write that well. Maybe sometime I will when I feel free with my language barrier (I've been studying English only for a year :\...)well, anyways, good job Saddam. Keep going. I am looking forward to some more your essays ;)
    • 08/06/2003
    • 04:18:22
    • Score: 9 out of 12 people found this comment useful.