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  • Profound

    As you began your definition essay, I liked the examples you provided to support the hypocrisy of American freedom (as I am a teenager, I resent the many restrictions placed on me too); however, as the essay progressed, it digressed too much from the idea at hand, freedom, and began attacking the liberties of the Bill of Rights that we, citizens of the United States of America, tenaciously hold so dearly. We can speak our minds, act in any manner we want, practice whatever religion we want, but unfortunately, people in this country have the right to administer physical and mental unwarranted punishment in a vigilante-like manner. And as the circle closes, those who decide to take freedoms away from others will more than likely be punished by our policemen. And so by seeing the hypocrisy in American freedom, many people in this world do NOT want to emulate the American idea of freedom.
    • 20/05/2003
    • 19:27:10
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Interesting

    Although the essay had some good analysis into Eminem's messages, I felt that it was more on the biographical side rather than his influence on today's youth. Also, (as a thought and not scathing criticism) consider the effect of Eminem's message to young people - whether they be young adults or children -who are not mature enough to handle and fully comprehend his message. What if they misinterpret what he says and use his words to warrant their own actions: doing drugs, drinking, violence, swearing. If Eminem's ideas are taken in the wrong context, then doesn't he become another horrible role model for the youth of America?
    • 19/05/2003
    • 19:29:01
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.