User Details For: che_frisco

Essay List
Comments List
  • Well done

    The essay was well researched, and the hard numbers really help one to grasp the true problems with public education. The only grievance I have is the "In this paper I intend to show...." Switching to first person is considered informal writing, and a well written introduction can replace such paragraphs. In other words, it just doesn't sound right. But other than that it is a great essay.
    • 13/06/2003
    • 00:46:27
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Evidence against

    though i have not truly decided on the subject, various pieces of evidence point to the fact that the U.S. did indeed need to drop the bomb under uncertainty of Japanese surrender. Japan tried to conduct peace negotiations through the soviets, but the Soviets did not speak to the US or Britain. Also, Truman was losing men and morale through this war even though he was winning, the people had had enough. The bomb was an easy way to end the war without any US casualties and promoted the US as the greatest world power. Politics are cruel
    • 12/06/2003
    • 01:19:54
    • Score: 8 out of 8 people found this comment useful.