User Details For: ji11ian613

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  • Pretty good, need more examples

    After my paper was graded my professor said that my essay didn't really focus on the main question: Do you agree with the statement, "people have a responsibility to disobey unjust laws?" I used the word "right" a lot in the essay, however, responsibility and right are two different things. I also could have used more examples in my essay. I focused on Martin Luther King's era and the 1960's, and my main reference was MLK's "Letter From Birmingham Jail." Thinking back on it, I could have used examples like homosexual marriage and things of that nature. Overall I believe I wrote a pretty good essay, but it could be better with a little more thought.
    • 07/10/2003
    • 18:00:37
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.