User Details For: xospikesxgurlox

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  • Good Latin gang essay

    it was a good essay if you only want to know about latin gangs but the title is history of GANGS in america and not history of latin gangs so there should have been more about some other gangs too. But if someone was just researching latin games this would be the perfect essay for them.
    • 18/10/2003
    • 15:46:46
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Interesting Point

    i think it's a pretty good essay and i think it can prove to some people that a gamecube is living and all the facts are straight. It makes an interesting point on how some non-living things are really living.
    • 18/10/2003
    • 15:33:44
    • Score: 6 out of 8 people found this comment useful.