User Details For: tylerg20002000

Essay List
Comments List
  • Great essay

    It had many valid arguements and plenty of data to back it up. Good Job...But drugs are still bad. Mm-kay
    • 29/10/2003
    • 10:45:21
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Good topic

    this is very true. Ever since pre-school we are taught what a nice guy columbus was and how the pilgrims and the indians were such good friends. Hardly any text books go into too much detail about the vietnam war and all the text books sugar coat anything bad the US has done. you should go into more detail and give examples.
    • 29/10/2003
    • 10:08:16
    • Score: 18 out of 18 people found this comment useful.
  • Good job

    might be a good idea to write an essay on why you think Daviv was singled out or why his mom is the way she is. Good summary of story.
    • 29/10/2003
    • 09:35:24
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.