The home front WW2 - Rationing

Essay by xlilxmissxmexJunior High, 9th grade April 2006

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During WW2 due to the lack of food the goverment introduced a system of

food rationing on fair shares for everyone policy.

Food prices were fixed at a standard rate so there was no over-charging,

in order that the poorer people would not go without. Everyone was

expected to adhere to rationing, including the Royal Family, although

those that lived in the country enjoyed some benefits - extra eggs and

vegetables, for example.

People were also encouraged to produce their own food under a scheme

called 'Dig For Victory'.

One of the good effects of food rationing was that it improved peoples'

health by encouraging a balanced diet. Rationing also involved every

man woman and child being issued with Ration Books.

Everyone was allowed 16 points per month to use on what ever food items

they wished. This was later increased to 20 points per month.

Of course the items purchased still had to be paid for.

Children under five were only allowed half the normal meat ration and

children between five and sixteen who held blue ration books were

allowed fruit, a full meat ration and half a pint of milk per day.