Beyond Blue

Essay by aj1989University, Bachelor'sB+, September 2014

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An important website which provides information and support regarding mental health whilst educating and supporting health professions, allowing them to better assist their patients is Beyond Blue. Beyond Blue is an Australian not for profit organisation developed by the Federal and State governments. This essay will discuss the main objectives of the site, benefits and drawbacks and psychological approach with reference to relevant literature and scholarly research.

Main objectives of the site

The main objective of the site is to provide individuals within the Australian community with information, advice and support relating to their mental health. This is done by focusing on improving the health of the population by taking a public health approach, whilst individualising methods depending on the specific target group in order to be accessible and beneficial to as many people as possible. Their values include Collaborate, Respect, Enthusiasm, Excellence and Innovation. With information and resources for Young people, Women, Men, Older people, Family and Friends, Multicultural people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Intersex people and Pregnancy and Early Parenthood (Beyond Blue, 2014).

Another key objective is to assist health professionals work better with those who require support, this is done by educating and supporting General Practitioners, Nurses and other Allied health professionals, allowing them to quickly and effectively identify, treat and manage depression and anxiety in their patients.

Benefits and Drawbacks

Some benefits of Beyond Blue site is the relevant information, support and advice. Whilst being fairly accessible with pamphlets, social media support, whilst the site offers 24 hour phone support, web chat with health professionals and/or individuals requiring support, personal stories from those who have received support, events such as art exhibitions, yoga groups and support groups,. Negatives of the site include the lack of...