Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of home school and regular school. Which is better for a child's education?

Essay by verunHigh School, 10th grade July 2004

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Home schooling is when a student is educated in his house taught by a parent a tutor or both; the student does not go to school. Regular schooling is when the student goes to an educational institution with other students. In recent years, home schooling has become more popular. Some of the brightest minds who did home schooling are "George Washington, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein," but regular schooling is till more popular. Is home schooling better than regular schooling? There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages in both regular schooling and home schooling.

The most important advantage of home schooling is that there are fewer students to a 'class' and the student enjoys the benefit of more personal attention from his home schooling teacher. If a student encounters a problem, the teacher or parent can easily help the child on a one to one basis.

This way, the child's educational needs are specifically met. Home schooling focuses on each student's individual needs. Each student's education can be tailored to his or her unique interest, pace and learning style. Since parents know their child's special interests and talents, they can nurture them and make learning a lifetime joy. Parents can take their kids to the forest, to the seaside and to factories to help them understand various processes.

In addition, the student socialises with adults instead of friends his age which makes the student more mature. There is no peer pressure and the student at home does not have to face the same pressure that a regular school pupil may go through like the pressure to drink, smoke and take drugs. There is also no exposure to violence involved and the use of bad language. Adolescents have a need to be accepted by their peers and...