Divorce Statistics

Essay by strawberry_qteeHigh School, 11th grade November 2004

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Belarus has the highest divorce percentage in the world with 66% of its married couples getting divorced

Albania had the world's lowest divorce percentage with only 5% of its couples getting divorced

In Canada, 43% of marriages end in divorce

In 1997, Canada granted 69 088 divorces while the United States granted 1 163 000 divorces

In 1999, 1 417 000 Canadians and 19 400 000 Americans were divorced (about 9.8% of United States' total population)

The average age of males at divorce is 42, and the average age of females at divorce is 39.4

The average duration of marriages in Canada is 13.7 years

The fifth year of marriage had the highest divorce rate

In 1999, 4% of Canadian males and 5% of Canadian women were divorced

In 1998, there were approximately 36 252 dependent children involved in a divorce

In 60% of divorce custody cases, the mother receives the child/ children

In 30% of divorce cases the parents have joint custody

Single-parent families account for 46% of children living in poverty