Eating Dissorders Effecting Students

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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In today's university culture and societies culture in general, the young adolescent boys and girls find themselves encountering enormous amounts of pressure, stress, and even self esteem issues. These unhealthy anxieties are resultants of several factors, which are: making friends at the university, maintaining or achieving the ideal smaller weight, receiving bad grades on tests and assignments test and assignments, and trying to make yourself seem perfect just like societies ideal body image. This image is what every person every day has to deal with, looking like the people in the magazines, newspapers, and on television. When people become obsessed with having the perfect self, there are two potentially life threatening diseases that can arise, Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa.

The first potentially life threatening disease which is a result of the cultures stress's and pressure's to be perfect is Bulimia Nervosa. According to Dr. Kirsten Horder and Dr.

Rene Storring, "Studies have shown that one percent of the population at anyone time is suffering from bulimia nervosa and this may be an understatement… Other studies have shown that up to seven percent of young women consulting the GP have the symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa." Dr. K. Horder & Dr. R. Storring (2000). Bulimia Nervosa, (1)(3). Retrieved March 9, 2002, from: As described in the percentages of the people suffering from this disease, males are rarely mentioned in any books or reports. Even though this is the case, males do suffer from Bulimia Nervosa say Dr. Horder and Dr. Storring. Men are just not under the same pressures and stresses as females are. Like most other diseases the causes for Bulimia Nervosa is primarily unknown but there are some very significant factors involved that are most likely the cause says, " There is currently...