Economic Impact On Pakistan Due To Ongoing Conflicts With India.

Essay by sweetsusan18College, UndergraduateA+, June 2003

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Abstract- This paper gives a historical background that tries to explain the reason why both Pakistan and India have never been able to come to terms with each other's autonomy. It makes the argument that neither country has ever been able to achieve any closure on its own history. Both have suffered massive economic and political penalties. As the highly underpowered part of the equation, Pakistan has paid a higher penalty both in terms of economic and social terms in its bid to keep pace with India's military strength.

Pakistan and India gained their independence from the British Crown in August 1947 after an intense political and military struggle. However, the separation of these two countries was a very painful process for both sides as much bloodshed followed. Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs killed one another in their respective strongholds. This ethnic strife resulted in massive genocide and sparked the first fire of hatred and mistrust between Pakistan and India which still burns today.

Soon after independence certain thorny territorial disputes erupted between these countries. Such a dispute was the Kashmir imbroglio, a legacy of colonialism, which still persists to provide major impediments towards the normalization of the relationship between Pakistan and India. The Kashmir dispute has cost both these nations billions of dollars when such capital could have been diverted towards much needed economic and social uplifting.

Impact on the Political System:

When Pakistan was created, its founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah "Quaid-e-Azam" clearly stated in his first state of the nation address that Pakistan was a country founded on principles of democracy. He further stated that Pakistan was going to respect all its international obligations and would practice religious tolerance. Unfortunately Jinnah died right after the partition of the Indian sub-continent. In turn, because of the military conflict with India...