This essay is about Hera the Greek Goddess. Every thing about her who she was married to and how she was a jeolous Wife.

Essay by LuckyGurl2100High School, 10th grade March 2004

download word file, 6 pages 4.5

Downloaded 42 times


Hera, the Greek goddess of childbirth and marriage, was the wife and sister of Zeus. She was the Queen of Olympian Deities. People knew her as the most beautiful and powerful goddess, but she had a bad side to her.

Hera was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was born on the riverbanks of Imbrasons, under a willow tree. When Hera and her siblings were born Cornos her father, thought one of his children was going to kill him, so he swallowed all of them. Including Hera. Later on when Zeus was born and grew up he killed Cronos, and freed his brothers and sisters.

Zeus always liked Hera's semblance appearance and wanted her for himself. Well one day Zeus feigned himself as a cuckoo. It was very cold out side and Hera saw the cuckoo all cold. She brought the bird to her breast to warm it.

Once she did that, he turned himself back to normal, and raped her. He than seduced her into marring him.

Ares, Hebe, Hephaestus, and Eileitha were the names of Hera's kids. She was known as the "White Armed Goddess." When she fragranced her body with lotion, it filled the universe with that delectable smell that no one could resist.

Hera was goddess of childbirth and marriage. Every year Hera would go to the spring Canathus as Nauplia and renewed her virginity, by bathing in the mystical water.

The few bad things that Hera had was a temper, and she would get jealous about other goddesses that looked better than her. Like over Antigones hair. She lost a beauty contest because Hera's hair wasn't long and pretty as Antigones. So Hera turned her hair into serpents. She would also get jealous when other women would mess...