This essay is about the rescuing of Jews in the Holocaust and how the Jews hid and the trials and tribulations they went through during their hiding.

Essay by MrlowlyHigh School, 12th grade February 2003

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Becoming Invisible

The Holocaust was the most terrible tragedies in the history or the World. Most people in the Holocaust did not live, in reality, there was a higher chance of dying from being in the concentration camps, starvation or anything of that nature, then there was of living. Living through the Holocaust was not common; it was rare. One of the most talked about parts of the Holocaust happened to be of the smallest, rescuing. It gives some positive nature to an otherwise horrific event.

Despite the consequences and danger in being caught, the rescuers chose to help the Jews in their time of need.

There were two types of people who were involved in the rescue process, the ones who rescued, and the Jews, the people who were rescued. Being rescued was a commitment to survival; therefore, the people being rescued could not be passive, but needed to be very active.

Going into hiding was very difficult, and also a commitment. First, you had a find a hiding place, which included someone taking a risk in hiding you, and supporting you. Hiding became very expensive because the people who hid you needed money to support you, and a lot of the time, they wanted money fort the risk. Which meant, you had to have money. This money came from two places, your own pocket, or from an organization. The money you had and used bought you food and clothes. In order to get food; you had to get ration books. These were used to determine how much food you could get. It was in a book, and that is how you kept track, and on top of having ration books, you had to have money for bribes, and to receive food from the black market, which was...