Feminist Theory

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's May 2001

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        In covering the Feminist Theory, all three authors took unique approaches to explaining how the theory applies. Sandra Whitworth seemed to take an approach where she focused on the importance of being able to identify what the term gender means and the importance of using it to analyze international relations. According to Sandra Whitworth, gender refers not to women or to men, but to the ideological and material relation between them.

In other words, how we are socially conditioned to think in terms of male versus female roles. She goes on to state that Femininity is a lowering that is imposed and that it can done to anyone. She also discusses the fact that the practice of international relations as well as, the theories based on them, have always been gendered and that this influences politics and economic relationships according to the gender they are based on, which are currently from a male perspective.

She really does not seem to go into how you could apply the Feminist theory to international relations, but she does a good job of explaining how to identify with the characteristics of genders in certain situations.

J. Ann Tickner, on the other hand, does a good job of explaining how the Feminist theory can be applied to international relations. She starts out by identify the six principles of political Realism and identifying the masculine gender that is found in each. Then she ends the article with the Feminist approach toward the six principles. What I liked most about her article was how she was able to show the way there is a different view in every situation. Her article really reiterated the point that Dr. Dr. Morteza Ardebili was making when he was saying that the theory has a view that takes a three-dimensional approach.