Global Warming The greenhouse effect, what exactly is this? The

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Global WarmingThe greenhouse effect, what exactly is this? The sun supplies the energy to warm the earth. The atmosphere absorbs outgoing reflected thermal radiation to keep then earth warmer than it would be otherwise. That is the greenhouse effect. Just like a greenhouse, it stays warm because the closed windows prevent the air from inside to cool by circulating.

The main concern about the greenhouse effect is the constant warming of the earth. Scientists fear that this warming may be a risk to humans, plants, and animals. The world warms at the accelerated rates and concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continues building up in the atmosphere. As the oceans warm, they are not able to absorb as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they do today.

Global warming risk assessment is complex because it is associated with the ozone depletion problem. Ozone depletion is represented by one main factor: chlorine and bromine from halocarbons.

The higher these chemicals concentrations, the lower the ozone concentrations. It is a proven process, and the thinning ozone layer can be measured. Warming effects are such that the "short-term winners" -areas where the climate has become more temperate and crop yields have risen-are now deteriorating result of a drastically destroyed world economy.

An opposing factor of the greenhouse effect is that the main greenhouse absorber of infrared radiation is water vapor and clouds, not carbon dioxide! I f all of the greenhouse gases, expect water vapor, were to suddenly disappear, we would still be left with a significant fraction of the current greenhouse effect. Many scientists still feel, however that any increase in carbon dioxide and other smaller greenhouse gases would still lead to a rise in global temperatures. There have been studies conducted on the correlation of sea surface temperatures and the intensity and or frequency of tropical systems. Certain studies point out the fact that the intensity of tropical storms is not directly related to sea surface temperatures. This means that even if global warming does occur, there would likely be no cause and effect pattern occurring from the possible rise in sea surface temperatures and the intensity and or frequency of tropical systems.

If global warming were to occur, there would be NO increases in intensity/frequency of tornadoes and or tropical systems. What would the results be if it did? Most likely, there would be an extended growing season, larger harvests, and fewer famines. Human health usually has improved during warm periods throughout history.

Global warming would be beneficial to humans, rather than harmful.

Temperature is slowing rising, but not enough to notice in short time period, and lead society to believe it's a bad thing. Yes, if over the years the temperatures rise too high, there could be lots of side effects. Too much heat could cause people to be uncomfortable causing them to migrate north to the colder weather.

Tom M.L Wigley, a senior scientist at National Center for Atmospheric Research, says fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide when burned, which are used to run factories, cars and light homes, cause our earths atmosphere to get trapped with a overload of carbon gasses. Unless we reduce population growth and use of fossil fuels, the level of carbon dioxide will double by the next century. The future of our earth's climate depends mostly on heat trapping gasses, primarily carbon dioxide.

This could cause some areas to lose population, jobs, and tourists spots to change due to heat overthrow. Another factor would be plants dieing off slowly due to the weather and lack of water due to evaporation. Depending on how you look at it, there are pros and cons.

This is a slow paced event that takes hundreds of years to rise usually, by the time it gets to hot our technology with probably find a way to fix the problem. Only time will tell the ultimate results of the situation