
Essay by zram567University, Bachelor'sB+, September 2014

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Zachary Ramsdorfer

English 12, Period 3, Monday-Friday

Ms. Lubert

February 18, 2014


Geology is an exciting and diverse science which includes training in physics, math, chemistry, paleontology (fossils), biology, and even astronomy. Geology is the study of the physical structure and processes of the Earth, plants, and natural resources. Geologists study the process that shapes our planet so they can better understand what might happen in the future. Events such as landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and mudflows are examples of natural disasters that geologists are trying to better understand to prevent them in the future.

Geologists are the scientists who discover that oil and natural gas created from organic (living) materials is deposited along the edges of continents and other areas. By identifying certain types of rocks they are able to recognize potential oil and natural gas sources hiding in the earth below, bringing heat and electricity into our homes, and filling the gas tanks in our cars and trucks.

There are different jobs in geology such as Geological and Petroleum Technicians that assist scientists or engineers in the use of electronics, sonic, or nuclear measuring instruments in both laboratory and production activities to obtain data indicating potential resources such as ore, minerals, gas, oil, or petroleum. They analyze dirt and oil drillings and make pressure charts to show temperature and other characteristics to show what could be found in the area or what can be expected in the area. They investigate and collect all this information so they can be more knowledgeable of possible discovery of new minerals, gas, coal, or petroleum deposits.

Another job involving geology is Geoscience. Geoscientists study the physical aspects of the earth such as composition, structure, and processes to learn about the earths past, present, and future. They study the earth by...