Issues related to the urban growth and decline along the foreshore of the inner harbour of sydney's CBD. (Australia)

Essay by dannochaddoHigh School, 10th gradeA-, August 2003

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Questions:What are the issues related to changes in landuse along the foreshores of Sydney Harbour?

How are they being resolved?

Choose THREE "pressure points" of Sydney harbour and its surroundings and:

outline the issues related to that point,

how did the issues come about?

who is involved in the issues?

who are the stakeholders?

what is being done to resolve the issues?

End of questions, start of essay

Issues related to the urban growth and decline along the foreshore of the inner harbour of sydney's CBD.

Why is landuse changing along the foreshores of Sydney Harbour?

Landuse along the foreshores of Sydney is always changing,

mainly because the government is attempting to replace the

low-density housing and put medium or high density housing in the

foreshore zone, in it's place. This is being done due to the population

increase in central Sydney. The city is running out of space to build any

more buildings.

So to fix this, the government decided it would be

better to try and consolidate the population of Sydney by building

upwards rather than outwards. They are doing this by building more

high rise apartment buildings and the like, to get more people into

smaller spaces. However, with this problems arose. One of these is the

increasing amount of traffic. With the large numbers of tourists

visiting Sydney and its' foreshores every day, and the number of cars

on the streets of Sydney around the foreshore already being large, an

increase in the number of residents would lead to an increase in the

number of cars on Sydney's streets. The Sydney City Council has tried

to solve this problem by promoting public transport, in an attempt to

cut down on the number of cars on Sydney's streets. They have used

slogans like "Keep On Training Sydney"...