Language Analysis of Poem: "Memories" by Jerry Ham

Essay by ipodrixHigh School, 11th gradeA+, July 2006

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The poem, "Memories", by Jerry Ham illustrates the importance of memories by describing his own good and bad experiences in life. He recounts about his love and their happy memories together and then of her untimely death which causes him pain and sorrow. Through this, he demonstrates how sometimes during our toughest times, memories are the only things that we can rely and hold on to because they can never be lost or taken away. This poem is intended for anyone to read as Jerry Ham wants to demonstrate and emphasize the power and value of memories because sometimes they are all we have to cling on to.

The structure of this poem is readily accessible and appealing to the reader. Jerry recounts his memories in a chronological style which makes it easy to follow and understand. He employs a rhyme scheme, two rhyming couplets per three pairs of lines, and a sense of rhythm by using the same number of syllables in each pair of lines.

This rhythm seems like everyday speech and flows with the tongue, making it pleasing to read and enjoy. In addition, he makes use of colourful words, "laugh, smile, cry, fear" to evoke emotions within the reader. In this way, Ham creates an engaging poem in which he demonstrates the importance of happy memories.

Ham emphasizes his ideas through the use of alliteration, punctuation and juxtaposition. He alliterates 'family and friends' to highlight the good times he's had with them, describing them as people who "bring smiles and laughter, and yes, sometimes tears." The use of commas in his description highlights the feelings of happiness and joy that he has experienced with those close to him. Ham then juxtaposes these feelings of happiness in the first stanza, to those of sorrow and grief...