Legalising Marijuana

Essay by turnsHigh School, 10th gradeA, May 2004

download word file, 3 pages 4.3

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I believe that marijuana should be legalized. I believe that if the government did so the National debt would be greatly decreased by the money it would make from the taxation of marijuana and also from the decrease in law enforcement and jail cost that is caused by the "criminal" aspects of marijuana. I believe that the use of marijuana would be more likely to go down than up with the legalization of it. I believe this because half the reason some people use it is the appeal of doing something illegal. I think that marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol or nicotine and these are perfectly legal "drugs" in todays society. You have never heard of someone overdosing on Pot but you do hear of people get deathly ill from alcohol poisoning.

Today you see commercials on the TV about how bad marijuana is and how it impairs your judgment and can cause car accidents.

A researcher at the University of Toronto by the name of Alison Smiley in March of 1999 showed that people who use marijuana in moderate dose are more cautious drivers than those who have had a moderate amount of alcohol. She found that the marijuana users are more aware of their impairment therefore they drive slower than those under the influence of alcohol. Even the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics studies show that more people have died do to the use of aspirin (500) than those of marijuana (0).

As for the cost of what it takes to deal with the "criminals" in reference to marijuana it would baffle most people if they knew the facts. The facts are this, in California only in 1998 marijuana accounted for 14,344 felony and 46,600 misdemeanor arrests for a total cost of...