Lengthy plot summary of "Chuck and Buck"; including a detailed explanation of its application to Human Sexuality functioning.

Essay by nfdinataHigh School, 12th gradeA+, March 2003

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Chuck and Buck were childhood friends until the age of eleven, when Chuck moved with his family to Los Angeles and the distance between the two was far too great to maintain a childhood friendship. Chuck and Buck were the type of friends that experienced everything together. Everything from the death of Chuck's pet dog to their first time playing "doctor" together. Sixteen years later, the death of Buck's mother reunites the two childhood friends only to discover that Chuck and Buck lead very different lives at this point.

Chuck, now known as Charles or Charlie, is engaged to Carlyn and maintains a white-collar job as a music record executive in Los Angeles. Buck has strangely maintained his child-like mentality. At his mother's funeral reception, Buck asks Chuck and Carlyn if they would like to see his bedroom. While giving them the tour of his bedroom, Buck is sucking a lollipop and displaying all of the numerous pictures he has of Chuck and himself when they were kids.

Buck then asks Chuck and Carlyn if they would like to have a sleep-over. This is just the beginning of Buck's child-like mentality that he has never matured from.

While using the bathroom at the funeral reception, Chuck is startled by Buck and propositioned by him. Buck walks to Chuck for a friendly hug and uses this chance to grope Chuck's penis. Chuck immediately tells Buck to back off. Chuck then proceeds downstairs to Carlyn and the two leave together for Los Angeles. Buck's obsession with his old friend begins here as he packs up everything he owns and moves to a motel room in Los Angeles in hopes to rekindle the relationship he once had with Chuck. Buck insists on stopping by unannounced at Chuck and Carlyn's house and...