About mari wallace...

Essay by awsmgurl October 2004

download word file, 1 pages 4.3 1 reviews

......About Mari Wallace......

She is the oldest of three children in her immediate family, Mari Wallace, born on February 15, 1988, in Okinawa, Japan. She has lived in two different states, California and North Carolina, to include Okinawa, where she has lived for two years. Mari is sixteen years old and is a junior at Kubasaki High School.

Before the 2004 school year began, Mari was attending Kadena High School. When she found out that she had to transfer from Kadena High School to Kubasaki High School because of the new school zones, she was heart broken. "When I first heard that I had to transfer, I was REALLY sad. I think the hardest part was being separated from all of my close friends, and I was also kind of nervous and definitely scared about going to our rival school." After five weeks at Kubasaki, Mari has become somewhat comfortable "...its

better than I imagined; everyone is so friendly!" This school year Mari is taking two AP classes,"I think my junior year is the HARDEST! ... my hardest class is Mr. Pitt's AP English class--even now I'm really stressed out about my grade!! It seems like as hard as I try in that class, my grade only gets lower." This school year Mari would like to pass all of her classes with "GOOD" grades. Although it may seem like Mari has become well adjusted to Kubasaki, if she could have one wish she would wish to go back to Kadena.

Mari Wallace is like any average teenager; "I like to hangout with my friends, talk on the phone, go shopping, and sing." She likes the color blue, she listens to all types of music, and she loves Mexican food. She likes the expression "Live each day like it's...