Organisation Analysis and Behaviour - Personal Action Learning Journal

Essay by essaysuckerUniversity, Master'sA, April 2006

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1-Peter Costello political statements about immigrants not abide by Australian values or laws.

Nature of the statement: any immigrant who does not believe in Australians values and not abides him self by this country laws should leave Australia because Australia laws value are not optional.

Any new immigrant who wants to be Australian will be sown in before his Australian citizenship.

Looking to this statement in organisational prospective in order to identify four frames, it will appears as follows:


Australia is democratic country and system of government is structured flattery form.

Mr Costello was considering him self playing his role within Australia government. The role of department's integration over the tasks is responsibility of ever minister. Protecting the Australian values is ultimate goal of ever official and nonofficial in Australia.

The statement has divided Australia political community into groups. There has been group interpreting statement angrily, that statement of Costello is direct attack to them.

There is group considered statement as responsible and positive statement it should be supported. The differences over the statement still exist in Australian political communities.

In fact Costello statement was unique and straight forward because Australian values are our values which need every citizen to protect them.

2-Human resources

The Australia is country of immigrants and it is still accepting immigrants till today. The most reasons for Australia to accept and allowed migrants are that to contribute positively into Australia economy and assimilated themselves to Australia society to be a part of it.

Peter Costello was expressing him self telling Australia people about his feelings.

He has been defending Australian norms in order to exist and have respect from all Australians.

He was hugging new Australian migrants to interact with norms and cultures in order to be real Australians. Mr Costello is skilled...