Publishing Industry Analysis

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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Industry Analysis (New Job Opportuniy) In the last few decades, Internet technology affected many aspects of people's lifestyles, bringing people into an information society. Job searching is no exception. Its method was transformed and established as an online market. The sentence "[There are many industries changed into the trend toward] higly-technologized world, a world in which the fates of men and machines will intertwine more intimately than at any time in human history," (Eisenhart 265) can be applied to the scheme of the job search market. "Recruitment" is the second biggest web site category with approximately 48,000 job boards and recruitment sites. ("How Online", 41). Online job board sites have begun to replace bulletin boards on which job sources were posted. Newspapers' help-wanted lists now compete with job search sites, which allow visitors not only to find jobs, but also to get appropriate salaries. In addition, job search sites often provide career counseling and networking sessions.

Such a permeation of the job market reflects that humans have become the circulating capital more than ever in human history. Internet technology also enhances one's ability to seek out the most lucrative and productive position in which one can exhibit one's professional originality. Workers and prospective workers in the electronic publishing industry have to deftly utilize such job sites in order to discover new job opportunities.

In addition to allowing visitors to find jobs, job sites are valuable to employers. A job site costs five percent of what it costs to place a classified ad in a major newspaper for 30 days. However, the time that employers have to spend with a bulk of useless resumes is the price paid for this low cost (Krueger C2). There is no doubt that this sunrise market has advantages and disadvantages. Senior executives are demonstrating...